What is it with Mondays? I got off to a great start. I finished my last load of laundry, baked cinnamon rolls, made my bed, walked the dogs and packed my son's lunch all before he woke up. And then it all went to hell. The little devil woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. He was such a little pistol, I needed a drink by the time I got him to school.
Instead, I made a cup of tea and sat down at my desk. No sooner had I begun tapping away at my latest novel when the wiener dog started pawing my leg and whining. He wouldn't stop until I picked him up. As soon as he settled into my lap, he fell asleep on my arm. I kept typing...one-handed. I AM NOT KIDDING! What is wrong with me? You'd think I'd put the dog down and work, right? Wrong.
I pecked away with one hand until my landscaper showed up with the new palm trees we're putting in front of our house. I spent the next two hours deciding exactly where everything was going to go and what the shape of the new beds would be. Now, the trees are planted, the dirt is mounded and the beds are marked off. The yard is still a mess, but I'm sure my neighbors are relieved to see progress being made. Wednesday, the smaller plants will come in, along with sod to fill in the old beds and mulch. Maybe the landscape lighting too. I'm not sure. There's always something I forget to ask about.
So now it's noon. I'm off to take a shower and if I'm lucky I'll have an hour and a half to write before I go pick my son up from school. Keep your fingers crossed he comes home in a better mood than when he left. If not, I WILL mix a drink.
Is it Tuesday yet?