Tuesday's winner is ... LISA HASELTON! While I enjoyed all three of those cowboys, I went with the long, lean look this time. Lisa please contact me at wendi@wendidarlin.com with your mailing address.

To enter today's contest just leave a comment, and I'll put your name in the drawing for an erotic Roulette game to play with a cowboy of your choosing and a Wendi Darlin promo pack! YOU MUST BE 18 TO PLAY! Remember, everyone who comments will be in the drawing for Monday's GRAND PRIZE. You can enter once per day, for a total of 7 possible entries per person.

okay, now that was fun and he was definately worth working for! Thanks Wendi!
Fun! I love working puzzles especially when the picture turns out to be a hot cowboy! Thanks Wendi!
Nothing like a great looking cowboy and a gorgeous horse.
Have a good one
I was hoping you all would enjoy the puzzle. :) Thanks for playing. I can't believe it's Wednesday already! Only 5 days until release day! I'm scared to death!!! It's a good scared, though. I think. :D
Wendi Darlin
Roulette sounds like a fun game. Are you suppling the cowboy to go with it? LOL! I guess my husband will have to do!
Rhonda :0)
Erotic roulette sounds sweet!
Wendi your prizes are just fantastik. Congrats to the other winners.
The puzzle was also nice. "wink"
What a nice puzzle I got to play with.
Wendi, you know how to treat us right.
Wowsers 5 more days....WooT!
I am told it is like giving birth to a babe, the wait kills you but when the big day hits your all aglow.
Congrats to all who have won!!
I used to do puzzles like this all the time. They're so much fun, especially when the end result looks as sexy as that.
Love the puzzle. The cowboy is very yummy. :-)
Your story ROCKS!!! And I'm glad to see you're enjoying the process - so sweet of you to let us in on the excitement too.
Thank you SO much for all the great eye candy. The puzzle is great. :)
I guess this is one of those games where nobody loses. I'd like to give it a try.
blessedheart, I keep trying to convince my dh that I should hire a sexy cowboy to keep around for promo. So far, he's a hard sell. But he did go out and buy a hat. ;D
I'm so excited all of you are having fun with the games.
Lisa, congratulations on your win yesterday and thanks so much for the compliment!
JeanetteJ, I like it when everybody can win. :)
You all have no idea how much I appreciate you helping me celebrate this week. I would be a wreck without you.
Wendi Darlin
Love the video and the puzzle
That was fun! I enjoy this kind of puzzle.
Thanks for playing! I'll leave the puzzle up for a little while. :)
Wendi Darlin
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