I've decided my next cowboy saga will take place in a fictional town. Do y'all want to help me name the town? If you've got any ideas, toss 'em out, and I'll pick one or maybe combine a couple of them to name the location of an upcoming story. And if I pick yours, I'll thank you on the dedication page of the book.
I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Countdown to Yummy Sunday - 4 days!
Well you didn't say which state you were setting this in. How bout Hot Springs?
Nice, Barb. I'm not sure if I'll mention a state or not. The story will have a Western/Southern flavor, and I plan to completely fictionalize the setting. I think it'll give me a ton of freedom and easily setup the possibility for multiple books written within the same town.
I like Hot Springs. Very clever. :)
Wendi Darlin
How about "Hands Down, Texas"?Not real,but it sounds like something they would do.
I like the way you're thinking Ruth. Hands Down does sound good. It would also make a nice book title. The Wild Rose Press has a series in Wayback, TX. I love the feel of that.
Thanks. :)
Wendi Darlin
Oy vey, city, slickers. LOL. 'Rattlesnake Flats,' 'Coyote Springs' or just plain 'Creosote.'
Now them's some western names.
You're a card, Dee. (A joker gone wild, of course)
Creosote. Now there's a word you don't hear everyday.
Thanks for stopping by. :)
Wendi Darlin
We've got a bunch of Native sounding towns here in Alberta.
Roundup, Big Timber, Goldcreek, Lonepine, Medicine Springs, Big Sky, Four Buttes, Plentywood - Montana towns along with various Fort towns.
Leah, those are some good ones. Wow, that many in one area? Are they full of cowboys, too? In other words, do I need to come visit so you can show me around? ;)
Wendi Darlin
It's where I grew up. Montana is cowboy country. :-) Course, we got plenty of them up here in Alberta too. Come for a visit anytime and I'll gladly play tour guide.
Thanks, Leah. :) I smell a research trip in my future. :)
Wendi Darlin
What about Ridem or Sorass? I think I should get a dedication even if you don't pick mine. You still owe me a t-shirt business.
Shelley, we are so going into the t-shirt business. With your sense of humor how can we lose?
Thanks for stopping by. I'm still looking for the giant you want. :)
Wendi Darlin
Here are a couple ideas off the top of my head.
Mount Gorge
Rugged Range
Callous Canyon
Bareback Basin
PS...I want in on the t-shirt partnership and recognition in the book for being you favorite little sis.
Mali, if you and Shelley keep it up everyone will know exactly how nuts this family is. :)
Wendi Darlin
Okay, I only have one right now and I got to head to class, but if I don't tell you now I know I will forget so here is one to start and then I'll see if I can come up with anything else.
Last Chance
from that you can add stuff to the end such as Last Chance....at love, ranch, etc.
That's a good idea Laura. I hadn't thought about using the name of the town in all of the titles, but that would be neat.
Wendi Darlin
Hi Wendi,
Murder Creek
Red Bluff
Eagle's Peak
Braxton Canyon
Granite Falls
Timber Ridge
Mercy Point
Some a little southern, some a little western. I hope we can help you find a name you can use.
Thanks, Janet! Wow, what a list. I appreciate all the thought you put into this. You came up with some nice ones. Murder Creek is just begging to be the setting of a romantic suspense. :)
Wendi Darlin
One more for now....
Turn Back or Turnback
I'll try to think of more.
Thanks, Laura! :)
Wendi Darlin
Partnership?! Mali is being a bit ambitious. This is been in the work for years. I think she can start with a possible intership and we will see how it goes.
Mali and I are the ones least likely to show how nutty the family is.
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