Wendi Darlin
writes hard men with soft Southern tongues and the women who bring them to their knees. Get ready for some
Hot Southern Lovin'
Erotic Romance
Cowboy Games video!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
And the winner is...
BARB! Congratulations, Barb! Thanks to everyone for playing. If all goes as planned, I'll do Another Great Read again next week.
Countdown to Yummy Sunday - 3 days!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Another great read!

This week I read Rynne Raines' SMOKIN' HOT erotic novella, WELCOME TO EDEN. When Caitlyn's client asks her about fetishes and Caitlyn can't come up with an answer, she decides it's time for a little research. And trust me, NOBODY is better to teach her than Evan, a gorgeous and knowledgeable sex club owner.
Caitlyn spends an experiment-filled night with Evan that she and you won't ever forget. I was really impressed with Rynne Raines' writing style. Her prose is clean and her voice is beautiful. I look forward to reading more of her titles. If you're looking to discover a new author, you really do want to check out WELCOME TO EDEN.

And if you have a minute click here and check out the interview funny lady Melanie Anderson did with me.

All Kinds of Stuff!
Ok, I'm back. Finally! I spent some time in Melbourne, Florida this weekend at a writer's conference sponsored by the STARS of the RWA SpacecoasT Authors of Romance. I had a blast, got to spend time with old friends and made new friends. I told my publisher at Siren about the idea I have for a series (the one where you all are helping me come up with a name for the town.) She really liked the idea, so I'm even more excited to get started on it.
COWBOY GAMES has gotten some really nice reviews (I'll post them on my website) and HIRED HANDS has gone to the top of the bestseller list at The Wild Rose Press (Wilder Roses).
Tomorrow I'll be giving you my take on Rynne Raines' WELCOME TO EDEN. And I'll give away a prize as usual.
Did you all spend the weekend having a staycation, or did you take advantage of the extra time and getaway from the house?
Countdown to Yummy Sunday - 5 days!
COWBOY GAMES has gotten some really nice reviews (I'll post them on my website) and HIRED HANDS has gone to the top of the bestseller list at The Wild Rose Press (Wilder Roses).
Tomorrow I'll be giving you my take on Rynne Raines' WELCOME TO EDEN. And I'll give away a prize as usual.
Did you all spend the weekend having a staycation, or did you take advantage of the extra time and getaway from the house?

Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Want to help?
I've decided my next cowboy saga will take place in a fictional town. Do y'all want to help me name the town? If you've got any ideas, toss 'em out, and I'll pick one or maybe combine a couple of them to name the location of an upcoming story. And if I pick yours, I'll thank you on the dedication page of the book.
I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Countdown to Yummy Sunday - 4 days!
I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

HIRED HANDS will be released this Friday, May 23rd!
Here's a blurb:
Forty-two year old, Nora Lambert struggles daily to keep the family ranch running smoothly and has learned to rely on young, sexy Cole Shanahan. It’s been eighteen months since her husband passed, and the loneliness is killing her. More and more often, her sexual fantasies include Cole, but he hasn't shown any interest in her.
Out of respect for her late husband, Cole has denied his attraction to Nora. Until his identical twin, Jesse, makes a move that Cole never dared. Finding the woman he wants in his brother’s arms spurs Cole into action. He's willing to let Nora have both him and his brother. Once. Then he's staking his claim.
Available Friday from The Wild Rose Press (Wilder Roses).

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Reviews for Cowboy Games
Jami Davenport and Bill Newman both graciously posted reviews for Cowboy Games on the Siren-BookStrand blog. Check them out if you get a chance.
Countdown to Yummy Sunday - 1 day!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I really can't tell you enough how thankful I am that you all celebrated this past week with me. I've been working toward publication for almost five years now, and yesterday truly was a dream come true. Thank you all for being a part of my dream.
If only one copy of Cowboy Games had sold yesterday to someone outside my family, I would have felt successful. I woke up this morning to find that my book is still sitting in the number one position on the Siren Bookstore bestseller list. Wow!
I really hope all of you who bought Cowboy Games fall in love along with Gavin and Rebecca. And I hope you close the book with a smile on your face.
I'm taking it a little easy this week around here. I've got some editing to take care of for a couple of upcoming releases, and I have a deadline for a mystery that I'm writing. Maybe I'll just pop in to post some eye candy or a game if I come across one. I'll be mailing the last of the prizes out today and tomorrow. Congratulations again to all of you who won!
Also, I found out yesterday that Deb, who was playing along with us at the beginning of the week, is extremely ill. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts.
Countdown to Yummy Sunday - 5 days!
If only one copy of Cowboy Games had sold yesterday to someone outside my family, I would have felt successful. I woke up this morning to find that my book is still sitting in the number one position on the Siren Bookstore bestseller list. Wow!
I really hope all of you who bought Cowboy Games fall in love along with Gavin and Rebecca. And I hope you close the book with a smile on your face.
I'm taking it a little easy this week around here. I've got some editing to take care of for a couple of upcoming releases, and I have a deadline for a mystery that I'm writing. Maybe I'll just pop in to post some eye candy or a game if I come across one. I'll be mailing the last of the prizes out today and tomorrow. Congratulations again to all of you who won!
Also, I found out yesterday that Deb, who was playing along with us at the beginning of the week, is extremely ill. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts.

Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Here'a a quick (PG) introduction to Gavin and Rebecca.
excerpt from Cowboy Games by Wendi Darlin
AVAILABLE NOW from Siren Publishing
Rebecca swore under her breath. How hard is it to put a piece of luggage on the corresponding flight? Isn’t that what all those obnoxious paper tags are for? She waited for the carousel to make one more round and tried to convince herself she wasn’t stalling. She glanced again at the full-color glossy brochure for Fantasy Ranch gripped in her hand. She was out of her mind alright. And she was definitely stalling.
Maybe Melinda was right about the cowboys, and the ones on the website were just models used for advertising the place. The real ones probably had scraggly beards, three front teeth and hands so callused they’d tear a girl’s skin to pieces.
“Where are you going?”
She didn’t have to look up. The pointed toes of his boots and faded denim that traveled up from there gave the speaker away. A cowboy.
“Crazy apparently,” Rebecca said without making eye contact, focusing again on the brochure. What in the hell had she been thinking spending a small fortune for such a load of crap? She was on her way to the nuthouse alright, and getting there fast.
“I’m headed there myself,” Cowboy said in an obvious attempt at a joke. “I’ll give you a ride.”
He sounded friendly enough, but she didn’t feel like being hit on. She glanced up to tell him so, but was too blindsided to remember what smart-alecky comeback she’d planned to use. Melinda had been right about one thing. If she had to go crazy, he’d definitely be the one to go with.
“Are you Rebecca?” His dark blond hair hung to his chin in silky strands that begged to have fingers dragged through them, and his eyes could melt a girl.
A flush crept over her. No false advertising there. He was even more gorgeous in person. Her stomach did a somersault. What had she been thinking? She couldn’t go through with this. He was hot enough to sway a nun, and he was just the driver. How in the hell was she going to keep her horny hands to herself for a week? Or more to the point, how would she keep them off herself.
The cowboy held her stare and a slow easy smile spread across his face. Her head defogged enough to remember he’d asked her if she was Rebecca, and she hadn’t had the whereabouts to answer him. He spoke before she could twist her tongue around an answer.
“I’ll take that as a yes. I’m Gavin. Let me get this,” he said, reaching for her carry-on and easily hoisting the bag over his shoulder. “You don’t travel this light do you?”
“Gavin?” she managed. “Gavin Carter?”
“You did your homework,” he said with a smile. “I did too. Rebecca Ryder, thirty-two, biotech consultant from South Carolina.”
He summed her up like a bio off a dating site and his appearance was enough to shake her to the core, broad athletic shoulders v-ing down to narrow hips, long muscular legs and a rugged beauty that took her breath away. She forced air into her lungs. No man was going to take her breath away. That’s not what she had flown across the country for.
(For an adult excerpt, click here!)
Sunday's winner was Ruth C!!! Congratulations, Ruth!!! Please email me at wendi@wendidarlin.com with your mailing address.
Today I'll be giving away prizes throughout the day. Keep an eye on the comments to this post. That's where I will announce giveaways. The Grand Prize I've been talking about all week will be given away around 1:00 EST. The Grand Prize is a fun nylon carrying bag filled with all kinds of goodies including, an 18-month cowboy calendar, Dr. Sadie Allison's book, Ride 'em Cowgirl, an adult mad libs booklet, a Kenny Chesney concert DVD, a Wendi Darlin promo pack, and more! YOU MUST BE 18 TO PLAY!

Saturday, May 10, 2008
YUMMY Mother's Day SUNDAY!!

Saturday's winner was Leah (jackiesjunkie)! Congratulations, Leah! Please email me at wendi@wendidarlin.com with your mailing address.
Today's winner will receive $10 in Siren Publishing gift certificates. To quote Lionel Richie, this one's easy like Sunday morning - or the way I think Sunday morning should be, anyway. To enter the drawing just leave a comment to say hi and let me know you were here.YOU MUST BE 18 TO PLAY! And don't forget, tomorrow we'll also be drawing the winner for the Grand Prize!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008
Staring Contest!
Ok, you remember how to do this. Look into Cowboy's eyes and the first one to blink loses. Do you think you can take him?

You win! And I think he likes you!
Isn't he great??? My friend and fellow author, Jami Davenport, had this created for me as a release gift. I love him! (Thanks, Jami and Kevin!)
Friday's winner was Barb! Congratulations, Barb! Please email me at wendi@wendidarlin.com with your mailing address.
Leave a comment today for a chance to win a chocolate lovers dice game and a $5 Siren Publishing gift certificate. YOU MUST BE 18 TO PLAY!
Thanks for playing and good luck!
Countdown to Yummy Sunday - 1 day!
You win! And I think he likes you!
Isn't he great??? My friend and fellow author, Jami Davenport, had this created for me as a release gift. I love him! (Thanks, Jami and Kevin!)
Friday's winner was Barb! Congratulations, Barb! Please email me at wendi@wendidarlin.com with your mailing address.

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Please Welcome Rita Thedford/Regina Carlysle!!!!!
Okay. I drop by Wendi’s blog quite a bit…just can’t resist her cowboy eye-candy. This time I’m here for other reasons (oops...pardon me while I wipe the drool from my keyboard). Wendi and I have lots in common. Must be why we’re the BEST OF FRIENDS. We both have a THANG for smokin’ hot cowboys so we’re taking some time to honor/drool over/lust over those smooth-talking, slow-walking men in the best way we know how. Like Wendi, I write cowboy stories too.

Hot Night at the Blue Bug Saloon and One Dependable Man (both available at The Wild Rose Press, feature those steamy, southern men we live to adore. Matt and Nash, my hot cowboy heroes, are hunky dreams in denim…much like Wendi’s Gavin from her upcoming release Cowboy Games (coming MONDAY from Siren Publishing). Can’t wait to get my hands on THAT one.
Wendi was also nice enough to help me celebrate the yesterday's release of Tempting Tess from Ellora’s Cave. This one is written under my pen name, Regina Carlysle.
I want to share an excerpt from One Dependable Man which will be available in paperback in July. And after that I'll give you a little sneaky peek of Tempting Tess, if Wendi will let me.
One Dependable Man
Rita Thedford
Shaking himself out of his rage, Matt turned to gaze at the assortment of diners who applauded him. He smiled back in response and executed a short nod as Sunny disappeared through the kitchen doors. Once the furor began to die down, he followed her.
Matt McBride, unlike the rest of the McBride clan, had never possessed a raw, unbridled temper. He was easy-going to a fault. It took a hell of a lot to anger him to violence but he hated creeps who messed with women. The harassment of this particular woman sent him over the edge.
Happy had once saved his life. Could he do anything less than help his sister? Yeah, keep telling yourself that, dumb ass.
Over the past few weeks everything had begun to change. It wasn't just about paying a debt to a dead friend anymore. It was about the dead friend's sister. Hell, maybe it had always been about her and he just hadn't realized it until now. He wanted her so bad he ached.
Damn! What a mess.
Pushing through the swinging doors, Matt stopped just inside the kitchen and watched Sunny slowly flip four hamburgers on the grill. Knitting his brows at the stiffness of her posture, he glanced at Buck who grinned slightly, shook his head, and shrugged.
Turning away from the heat of the cooktop, Buck spoke in a gravely voice to no one in particular. "Guess I'll get on out there and see if there's anything to be done." On his way out, he glanced up at Matt with what could've been a spark of pity. He clucked his tongue a couple of times and stepped out.
Matt cleared his throat, whether from nervousness or the need to wrap Sunny up in his arms, he wasn't sure. She was stiff and unyielding and he wondered briefly if it was because she'd been scared.
He should've known better.
"Did he hurt you, sweetheart? Are you-?" Further questions went unanswered as Sunny spun around and pointed her spatula at his belly.
He found himself staring into the blazing blue eyes of one hundred and ten pounds of pissed off woman.
"How dare you interfere?" she snapped. Her face was red and she was mad as a hornet. "This was none of your affair, McBride. I was handling everything just fine on my own before you stuck your nose in my business."
She flung his gallantry right back in his face. Matt's temper ignited. "You were, were you?" he sneered as he bore down on her. "Just how much manhandling were you gonna let yourself take before you booted his ass out of here, huh?" He moved in closer and Sunny took a step backward and then another. He scowled at her as
she bumped up against the nearest wall. Her breathing quickened and her breasts grazed the front of his shirt.
Lust whipped him like a lash. "Didn't you realize those men were drooling at the sight of you all bent over the table like that? Your cute ass in those tight jeans is pure enticement and you know it. Did you ever once think maybe it's dangerous for you to work this shift?"
Sunny gasped. "Are you calling me a tease?"
"No. I'm calling you stupid."
She blinked up at him and Matt realized he was gripping her arms.
Instantly, he gentled his hold and saw hurt flare to life in her
Her expression deflated Matt's anger instantly. He cursed his own
ability to act like a horse's behind. What had he expected?
Gratitude? Yeah, that's what he'd wanted. Maybe he'd wanted her to
throw herself into his arms like a weeping damsel and plant sweet
kisses all over his face in gratitude.
He should've known that wasn't Sunny's style. "Ah, hell. I'm sorry, darlin'. You're strong and tough, but even you have your limits and you were out of your league tonight. They rattled you. Look at you. You're shaking like a leaf. You're tired
and stressed out, and the prettiest damn thing I've ever seen."
Sunny gasped and looked up at him with those bluebonnet eyes and he just lost it. With a low growl, he caught her in his arms and dove for her parted lips. Nipping at the lush fullness, he teased with his teeth, his tongue. He drank her sigh and plunged his tongue into the dark, sweetness of her mouth. The subtle scent of her rose up to tease him and he changed the angle of the kiss, breathing her in.
Her breasts, full and lush, teased through the thin barrier of his shirt and unable to stop, he rubbed his chest against her, desperate for a firmer touch. His erection throbbed against the fly of his jeans. He pressed it against the curve of her belly and rotated against her softness. She made a tiny, whimpering sound as he slowly
drew away and stared down at her startled face.
Muttering a curse, he raked his fingers through his hair. He was moving too fast but he couldn't help himself. "You're not stupid. I didn't mean what I said but I'm not sorry I kicked that guy's butt."
Making a tiny choked sound, Sunny drew away but Matt put his hand on her shoulder to stop her. "Yeah, I'm big enough to apologize but I'll be damned if I'm going to say I'm sorry for kissing you."
Sunny looked at him, long and hard, and he returned the gaze without flinching. He wasn't a bit surprised when she turned without a word, opened the back door, and stepped out into the night.
Thank you Rita!!! I love that scene, and I don't think I'll ever forget Matt. He's one of my favorite heroes.
Yesterday was a big day. Rita's (Regina Carlysle's) Tempting Tess went on sale at Ellora's Cave and I'm beyond thrilled for her. I would love to have Rita post an excerpt here, but I think Blogger would smack a content warning on me. Trust me when I say it's a HOTTTT older woman/younger man story!!!
Here's a blurb:
Tempting Tess - Regina Carlysle
When forty-five-year-old widow Tess Garrity decides it’s time to reevaluate her stale life, she rents a charming cabin in the mountains, little expecting her entire life is about to take a drastic turn. She’s very drawn and more than a little sexually turned on by the sinfully handsome man next door.
Daniel Rios is captivated by the stunning older woman. She is sweet, funny and sexy enough to make him yearn to fuck her. He wants her more than his next breath but his first order of business is getting rid of an unwanted houseguest. Then Daniel moves in on Tess, tempting her to take another chance on love—with him. It’s a naughty, edgy, seductive challenge he is fully prepared to take.
Click here to BUY TEMPTING TESS!
Since Thursday's prize was a Double Feature, I decided to have two winners! acdaisy95 and Irwirum, congratulations you both won! Please email me at wendi@wendidarlin.com with your mailing addresses.
Today's prize is Dr. Sadie Allison's book, Ride 'em Cowgirl! - Sex positions for better bucking. I love that title! For your chance to win, leave a comment and tell us one of your favorite cowboy names. If you can't think of one, leave a comment anyway. I'm easy! Your name will also go in the drawing for Monday's Grand Prize! YOU MUST BE 18 TO PLAY!
Thanks for playing and good luck!
Countdown to Yummy Sunday - 2 days!

Hot Night at the Blue Bug Saloon and One Dependable Man (both available at The Wild Rose Press, feature those steamy, southern men we live to adore. Matt and Nash, my hot cowboy heroes, are hunky dreams in denim…much like Wendi’s Gavin from her upcoming release Cowboy Games (coming MONDAY from Siren Publishing). Can’t wait to get my hands on THAT one.
Wendi was also nice enough to help me celebrate the yesterday's release of Tempting Tess from Ellora’s Cave. This one is written under my pen name, Regina Carlysle.
I want to share an excerpt from One Dependable Man which will be available in paperback in July. And after that I'll give you a little sneaky peek of Tempting Tess, if Wendi will let me.

One Dependable Man
Rita Thedford
Shaking himself out of his rage, Matt turned to gaze at the assortment of diners who applauded him. He smiled back in response and executed a short nod as Sunny disappeared through the kitchen doors. Once the furor began to die down, he followed her.
Matt McBride, unlike the rest of the McBride clan, had never possessed a raw, unbridled temper. He was easy-going to a fault. It took a hell of a lot to anger him to violence but he hated creeps who messed with women. The harassment of this particular woman sent him over the edge.
Happy had once saved his life. Could he do anything less than help his sister? Yeah, keep telling yourself that, dumb ass.
Over the past few weeks everything had begun to change. It wasn't just about paying a debt to a dead friend anymore. It was about the dead friend's sister. Hell, maybe it had always been about her and he just hadn't realized it until now. He wanted her so bad he ached.
Damn! What a mess.
Pushing through the swinging doors, Matt stopped just inside the kitchen and watched Sunny slowly flip four hamburgers on the grill. Knitting his brows at the stiffness of her posture, he glanced at Buck who grinned slightly, shook his head, and shrugged.
Turning away from the heat of the cooktop, Buck spoke in a gravely voice to no one in particular. "Guess I'll get on out there and see if there's anything to be done." On his way out, he glanced up at Matt with what could've been a spark of pity. He clucked his tongue a couple of times and stepped out.
Matt cleared his throat, whether from nervousness or the need to wrap Sunny up in his arms, he wasn't sure. She was stiff and unyielding and he wondered briefly if it was because she'd been scared.
He should've known better.
"Did he hurt you, sweetheart? Are you-?" Further questions went unanswered as Sunny spun around and pointed her spatula at his belly.
He found himself staring into the blazing blue eyes of one hundred and ten pounds of pissed off woman.
"How dare you interfere?" she snapped. Her face was red and she was mad as a hornet. "This was none of your affair, McBride. I was handling everything just fine on my own before you stuck your nose in my business."
She flung his gallantry right back in his face. Matt's temper ignited. "You were, were you?" he sneered as he bore down on her. "Just how much manhandling were you gonna let yourself take before you booted his ass out of here, huh?" He moved in closer and Sunny took a step backward and then another. He scowled at her as
she bumped up against the nearest wall. Her breathing quickened and her breasts grazed the front of his shirt.
Lust whipped him like a lash. "Didn't you realize those men were drooling at the sight of you all bent over the table like that? Your cute ass in those tight jeans is pure enticement and you know it. Did you ever once think maybe it's dangerous for you to work this shift?"
Sunny gasped. "Are you calling me a tease?"
"No. I'm calling you stupid."
She blinked up at him and Matt realized he was gripping her arms.
Instantly, he gentled his hold and saw hurt flare to life in her
Her expression deflated Matt's anger instantly. He cursed his own
ability to act like a horse's behind. What had he expected?
Gratitude? Yeah, that's what he'd wanted. Maybe he'd wanted her to
throw herself into his arms like a weeping damsel and plant sweet
kisses all over his face in gratitude.
He should've known that wasn't Sunny's style. "Ah, hell. I'm sorry, darlin'. You're strong and tough, but even you have your limits and you were out of your league tonight. They rattled you. Look at you. You're shaking like a leaf. You're tired
and stressed out, and the prettiest damn thing I've ever seen."
Sunny gasped and looked up at him with those bluebonnet eyes and he just lost it. With a low growl, he caught her in his arms and dove for her parted lips. Nipping at the lush fullness, he teased with his teeth, his tongue. He drank her sigh and plunged his tongue into the dark, sweetness of her mouth. The subtle scent of her rose up to tease him and he changed the angle of the kiss, breathing her in.
Her breasts, full and lush, teased through the thin barrier of his shirt and unable to stop, he rubbed his chest against her, desperate for a firmer touch. His erection throbbed against the fly of his jeans. He pressed it against the curve of her belly and rotated against her softness. She made a tiny, whimpering sound as he slowly
drew away and stared down at her startled face.
Muttering a curse, he raked his fingers through his hair. He was moving too fast but he couldn't help himself. "You're not stupid. I didn't mean what I said but I'm not sorry I kicked that guy's butt."
Making a tiny choked sound, Sunny drew away but Matt put his hand on her shoulder to stop her. "Yeah, I'm big enough to apologize but I'll be damned if I'm going to say I'm sorry for kissing you."
Sunny looked at him, long and hard, and he returned the gaze without flinching. He wasn't a bit surprised when she turned without a word, opened the back door, and stepped out into the night.
Thank you Rita!!! I love that scene, and I don't think I'll ever forget Matt. He's one of my favorite heroes.
Yesterday was a big day. Rita's (Regina Carlysle's) Tempting Tess went on sale at Ellora's Cave and I'm beyond thrilled for her. I would love to have Rita post an excerpt here, but I think Blogger would smack a content warning on me. Trust me when I say it's a HOTTTT older woman/younger man story!!!
Here's a blurb:
Tempting Tess - Regina Carlysle
When forty-five-year-old widow Tess Garrity decides it’s time to reevaluate her stale life, she rents a charming cabin in the mountains, little expecting her entire life is about to take a drastic turn. She’s very drawn and more than a little sexually turned on by the sinfully handsome man next door.
Daniel Rios is captivated by the stunning older woman. She is sweet, funny and sexy enough to make him yearn to fuck her. He wants her more than his next breath but his first order of business is getting rid of an unwanted houseguest. Then Daniel moves in on Tess, tempting her to take another chance on love—with him. It’s a naughty, edgy, seductive challenge he is fully prepared to take.
Click here to BUY TEMPTING TESS!
Since Thursday's prize was a Double Feature, I decided to have two winners! acdaisy95 and Irwirum, congratulations you both won! Please email me at wendi@wendidarlin.com with your mailing addresses.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Scratch & Win Thursday!
Use the penny to scratch and see if you've won!
Wednesday's winner is JeanetteJ! Congratulations, Jeanette! Please email me at wendi@wendidarlin.com with your mailing address.
Leave a comment today and get your name in the drawing for a cowboy movie night gift set including popcorn, candy, and a Western double feature: PURE COUNTRY and HONEYSUCKLE ROSE. Everyone who comments will be put into the drawing for Monday's Grand Prize! YOU MUST BE 18 TO PLAY!
Thanks for playing and good luck!
Countdown to Yummy Sunday - 3 days!
Wednesday's winner is JeanetteJ! Congratulations, Jeanette! Please email me at wendi@wendidarlin.com with your mailing address.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Wednesday's Cowboy Game!
Puzzles are games right? Ok, ok! I'm making you work for the eye candy, but it's sooooooo worth it!
Tuesday's winner is ... LISA HASELTON! While I enjoyed all three of those cowboys, I went with the long, lean look this time. Lisa please contact me at wendi@wendidarlin.com with your mailing address.

To enter today's contest just leave a comment, and I'll put your name in the drawing for an erotic Roulette game to play with a cowboy of your choosing and a Wendi Darlin promo pack! YOU MUST BE 18 TO PLAY! Remember, everyone who comments will be in the drawing for Monday's GRAND PRIZE. You can enter once per day, for a total of 7 possible entries per person.
Thanks for playing and good luck!
Countdown to Yummy Sunday - 4 days!
Tuesday's winner is ... LISA HASELTON! While I enjoyed all three of those cowboys, I went with the long, lean look this time. Lisa please contact me at wendi@wendidarlin.com with your mailing address.

To enter today's contest just leave a comment, and I'll put your name in the drawing for an erotic Roulette game to play with a cowboy of your choosing and a Wendi Darlin promo pack! YOU MUST BE 18 TO PLAY! Remember, everyone who comments will be in the drawing for Monday's GRAND PRIZE. You can enter once per day, for a total of 7 possible entries per person.

Monday, May 5, 2008
Tuesday's Cowboy Game!
Alright, ladies. I need you to choose your favorite piece of eye candy from the three yummy morsels in this photo. Leave a comment with the number of the one you chose.

I've chosen my own favorite, and sometime after midnight tonight, I'll pick a winner from all of you who picked the same one I did. Sound easy enough?
Today's prize is a sexy deck of cowboy playing cards and a $5 Gift Certificate to Siren Publishing!
Yesterday's winner of the 18-month cowboy wall calendar is: LAURA J! Laura please contact me at wendi@wendidarlin.com with your mailing address.
And don't forget, Monday, May 12th, I'm giving away a GRAND PRIZE. The winner will be chosen from all the comments left this week. You can get your name in the drawing once per day, so if you comment every day, you get 7 chances to win. You like those odds? I thought you might! YOU MUST BE 18 TO PLAY!
Thanks so much for playing and good luck!
Countdown to Yummy Sunday - 5 days!

I've chosen my own favorite, and sometime after midnight tonight, I'll pick a winner from all of you who picked the same one I did. Sound easy enough?

Yesterday's winner of the 18-month cowboy wall calendar is: LAURA J! Laura please contact me at wendi@wendidarlin.com with your mailing address.
And don't forget, Monday, May 12th, I'm giving away a GRAND PRIZE. The winner will be chosen from all the comments left this week. You can get your name in the drawing once per day, so if you comment every day, you get 7 chances to win. You like those odds? I thought you might! YOU MUST BE 18 TO PLAY!

Today's Prize!
I thought we'd start this party off right, with a prize full of smokin' hot cowboys! Today's winner will receive a 18-month cowboy wall calendar!

For your chance to win, read Paige Tyler's excerpts in the post below and tell us which one of those cowboys you wouldn't mind getting a spanking from. YOU MUST BE 18 TO PLAY!
I will choose a winner after midnight EST. Come back every day this week for a chance at another prize. On Monday, May 12th, I will give away a GRAND PRIZE to someone who left a comment this week.
Good luck and thanks for playing!
Countdown to Yummy Sunday - 6 days!

For your chance to win, read Paige Tyler's excerpts in the post below and tell us which one of those cowboys you wouldn't mind getting a spanking from. YOU MUST BE 18 TO PLAY!
I will choose a winner after midnight EST. Come back every day this week for a chance at another prize. On Monday, May 12th, I will give away a GRAND PRIZE to someone who left a comment this week.

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Guest Author, Paige Tyler's in the house!!!
Thank you so much for inviting me to be a guest blogger, Wendi! I'm so flattered!
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Paige Tyler and I write romantic spanking stories and erotic romance! Yup, you read that right, romantic spanking stories! LOL!
I write contemporary, sci-fi, western, historicals, paranormal, and even time-travel! But, regardless of the theme of my books, they all revolve around a fun, playful, romantic relationship. I just slip a little spanking in now and then to spice things up a bit!
I thought I would take the time to tell you all a little bit about one of my newest releases, The Cutler Brother Series . It's a three book set that revolves around two brothers who are US Marshals, and the feisty women that they fall in love with.
Cade and Madoc grew up on a ranch in Texas, and are both the personification of the modern cowboy. They're rough and tough and don't take crap from anybody! Of course, the reader gets to see their softer side when the brothers fall for two women who are just as tough and independent as they are.
The first book focuses on Cade 's story. He's a hunky US Marshal up in Seattle who has to protect a girl in the Witness Protection Program when her identity is compromised. Of course, she's not really very good a taking orders, even when it's for her own good! As you can imagine, that gets her into trouble with Cade and she finds her bottom warmed on more than one occasion!
The second book is about Cade 's brother, the equally hunky Madoc, a US Marshal out in Denver who comes across a beautiful escaped fugitive and has to decide whether he's going to take her in. He wants to do his duty, but she's just so dang sexy. Things get a little complicated, and yup, you quessed it, Shayna gets her bottom warmed, too!
When I first wrote the series, I had originally planned on it being two books, but the heroines seemed to think that since the heroes Cade and Madoc had books named after them that the girls should also have a book that featured them more prominently. So that led to the third book, The Cutler Brides! Their book takes both couples on an adventure down on the Cutler family ranch in Texas. In between learning everything they ever wanted to know about life on a ranch, the girls still find time to get themselves into trouble. Of course, the guys still know how to straighten them out!
I thoroughly enjoyed writing each and every book in the series, and I'm thrilled to announce that all three books are now available in one print volume with a smokin' hot cover! I've included a synopsis from each of the books, as well as some sexy exceprts! Hope you enjoy them!
The Cutler Brothers Series
Three hot novels in one print volume!
Book One - Cade
The beautiful, but irritating Riley Barnett has been a thorn in the side of the U.S. Marshals Service ever since she entered the Witness Protection Program. And now that she once again believes her identity has been compromised, new U.S. Marshal Cade Cutler is the one sent to placate her. When it turns out that she's right this time, Riley has to depend on Cade to protect her, even if that means putting up with his spankings every time she refuses to follow his silly rules!
Book Two - Madoc
After attending his brother's wedding, U.S. Marshal Madoc Cutler knows one thing for sure - there is absolutely no way he would ever fall for a woman as quickly as his brother did. But he can certainly appreciate an attractive woman, and when he comes across a beautiful waitress at a small-town diner, he can't help but notice her. However, things become complicated when he recognizes her as the runaway fugitive, Shayna Matthews. His plan to quickly transport her back to Denver to stand trial goes awry when a snowstorm forces them to take shelter in tiny, secluded cabin in the woods. Could he possibly have been wrong about not falling for a woman as quickly as his brother did?
Book Three - The Cutler Brides
In the third book of the series, both Cade and Madoc are back, as well as their naughty brides, Riley and Shayna. While down in Texas for a family get-together, the two girls decide to go searching for a buried treasure described in local folklore. Unfortunately, they don't have a lot of luck finding the treasure, but they do find a mystery that needs solving. They begin poking around a suspicious mining company. Even though this gets Riley and Shayna repeated spankings from their husbands, the girls refuse to give up. They're going to find out whats going on, no matter what!
Book One - Cade
Cade closed his notebook and slipped it into the inside pocket of his suit jacket. "We'll look into it, Ms. Barnett, and get back to you," he said, getting to his feet.
Riley did the same, her frown deepening. "How are you going to look into it? Will you be posting Marshals outside my apartment building then?" She really hoped so; she hadn't slept well the past couple of nights.
He inclined his head. "If we determine that you're in danger, then you'll be given protection," he told her. "But I don't think you have anything to be concerned about. As I said, a lot of people own black SUV's."
Riley stared at him in disbelief. Did she have to end up at the bottom of some river somewhere before they believed her? She opened her mouth to argue, but Cade Cutler was already walking toward the door.
Annoyed, she followed after him. "How will you know if there really is a threat from the SUV if there's no one here to see it?" she persisted.
In the small entryway, he turned to give her a placating smile. "Like I said, we'll look into it."
She folded her arms to glare at him. "You're not going to do a damn thing, are you?" she said sharply. "Now that you people have already gotten my testimony, you couldnt care less about what happens to me."
His jaw tightened. "I'll be in touch," he said, ignoring what she'd just said as he turned to leave. He was just reaching for the doorknob when the greeting cards on the table along the wall caught his eye.
Riley watched in confusion as he picked one up and read it, and then did the same to another and another. But before she could ask what he was doing, he turned to fix her with a hard look.
"What the hell are these?" he demanded, holding up the cards.
Her brow furrowed. "Birthday cards," she said, her tone implying that it should have been obvious to him.
"I can see that!" he growled. "But this one's from your mother! And these," he added, gesturing with the others, "are from the rest of your family!"
She shrugged. "Duh! Who do you think sends birthday cards?"
His eyes narrowing, Cade tossed the stack of birthday cards back onto the table and strode toward her. "How about, duh, you're in the Witness Protection Program! Which means that you're not supposed to tell anyone where you are. That includes your family! You're so worried about your identity being compromised, and here you are broadcasting it to the world!"
Ignoring the implied insult, Riley lifted her chin to glare up at him. "My mother would never tell anyone where I am," she told him coldly. "And neither would any of my sisters."
His brows drew together. "Really? How reassuring," he scoffed. "What about the people that might be snooping through your family's mail to find out where you are? Have you thought about that?"
She frowned at the words, wondering if that could be true, but then told herself it was ridiculous. Nobody, not even Albert Donatti, the main mobster she had testified against, would bother with digging through the mail just to find her. Besides, even if he had, her family had addressed the envelopes to her new name.
Riley gave Cade another shrug. "That would be impossible because my mom and my sisters didn't put my real name on the envelope," she said. "I'm not stupid, you know!"
"That's debatable," he retorted. "So, how many relatives does your family have that live across the country?"
She gave him a confused look. "What are you talking about?"
He held up the card from her mother. "It doesn't matter what the name on the envelope says," he told her. "The card says Happy Birthday to My Daughter on the front. I think people will figure out that it's you."
Before she could say anything, he added, "I'm going to have to call my boss and let him know about this."
"Good," she muttered. "Because I want to talk to him, too. That way I can tell him that you don't know what the hell you're doing, and that he needs to send someone out here who does!"
At her words, Cade paused in the act of reaching into his pocket for his cell phone, his eyes narrowing. "Okay, that does it!" he growled.
Riley braced herself for another one of his snide comments, and was totally surprised when Cade grabbed her by the arm and marched her over to the couch instead.
"What are you...?" she began as he sat down, but the rest of what she'd been going to say came out in a rush of air as he gave her arm a quick tug that sent her tumbling headlong over his knee.
Riley was so stunned that she simply lay there draped over his lap as she tried to catch her breath. When she finally came to her senses a moment later, it was to push herself upright, but a strong hand on her back held her down. What the hell was he doing?
Outraged, she turned to glare over her shoulder at him, only to let out a startled gasp when she felt his hand come down hard on her jean-clad bottom. Oh my God, the brute was spanking her!
Book Two - Madoc
Shayna's hands trembled as she hurriedly shoved what little clothing she had into the small overnight bag shed brought with her when she'd left Denver. Of all the men in the diner she could have flirted with, she had to pick a U.S. Marshal!
Tall and broad-shouldered, not to mention ruggedly handsome, she had noticed the Marshal the moment he'd walked into the diner, and had been disappointed when he had chosen a booth instead of taking a seat at the counter. So when Madge, the other waitress she worked with, had suggested she serve lunch to him, she had not only jumped at the chance, but had openly flirted with him. She'd figured that he was probably only passing through town, but had toyed with the idea of trying to convince him to hang around for awhile. Little did she know that he was there to arrest her, she thought bitterly. And if Madge hadnt learned that he was a U.S. Marshal from her conversation with him earlier, then Shayna would still be at the diner obliviously going on about her business.
God, she had been so stupid! Stupid to stay in Flint Rock for so long instead of going to Canada like she had planned. Stupid to think that a pair of ugly, non-prescription, black-framed glasses would be enough of a disguise to alter her appearance. Stupid not to dye her hair like her sister had suggested.
Still silently berating herself for her stupidity, Shayna grabbed her coat from the bed and put it on. If she hurried, maybe she could catch one of the truckers down at the gas station near the freeway and bum a ride with him. Anyone heading north would be fine with her.
She picked up her suitcase from the bed, and was just about to cross the small room she rented at the boarding house when there came a loud banging on the door.
"Federal Marshal!" a man's voice called. "Open up!"
Shayna froze, her hand tightening reflexively on the handle of her overnight bag as she stared at the door. Oh God, he'd found her, she thought. She couldn't go back to jail! She had to get out of there!
The Marshal banged on the door, louder this time. Heart pounding, Shayna looked around wildly for some other escape route. Her gaze immediately locked on the window on the other side of the small room. Not having to think twice, she dashed over to it. Instead of opening easily like it should have, however, the window didn't budge. Dammit, the darn thing was stuck!
Tears of frustration welling in her eyes, Shayna dropped her bag on the floor and tried to force the window open, but it did no good. The stupid thing probably hadn't been opened in ten years! Spotting a heavy bookend sitting on the low shelf beside the window, she grabbed it and was just about to use it to break the glass when the door burst open.
Still holding onto the bookend, Shayna whirled around with a startled gasp to see the handsome Marshal from the diner standing in the doorway, his weapon drawn and pointed at her.
"Shayna Matthews, you're under arrest," he told her. "Drop that and put your hands up."
Shayna knew she should obey, especially since the Marshal had a gun pointed at her, but she couldn't make herself do it. "You've got the wrong person. My name is Jane," she said, her voice trembling. "Jane Cooper."
His golden-brown eyes went to the bag sitting on the floor beside her. "Nice try," he said sarcastically. "Now, drop what you're holding and put your hands up."
She swallowed hard, but still didn't do as he told her. "You've got the wrong person," she insisted.
The Marshal clenched his jaw. "I'm not going to tell you again," he warned her. "Drop what you're holding and get your hands in the air."
Shayna didn't move. She couldn't let him arrest her. Running had only made her look more guilty, and if she went back to jail, they weren't likely to let her out on bail this time. The thought alone was enough to make her stomach churn.
Her gaze darted to the door and she wondered if she could somehow get past the Marshal. Apparently, he must have read her mind because he started toward her even as she tensed to make a run for it. Shaynas hand tightened on the bookend and before she even realized what she was doing, she drew back her arm and threw it at him.
Shayna just had enough time to see the Marshal's eyes go wide before he ducked. Knowing she would only get one chance at escape, she immediately ran for the door. But she didn't get more than a few feet before a strong hand closed over her arm and spun her around. With a cry that was half frustration, half rage, Shayna balled her hand into a fist and took a swing at the Marshal.
"What the...?!" he began, catching her arm before her fist could connect. "Dammit, take it easy!"
But Shayna wasn't about to take it easy. If she didn't get away from him, she was going to be spending a very long time in prison, maybe even the rest of her life. With that horrific thought motivating her, Shayna savagely tried to jerk free of the Marshal's hold.
"Stop it!" he ordered her, his grip tightening on her arms. "Dammit, I don't want to hurt you!"
"Then let me go!" she shot back, still struggling against him.
But it was obvious that the Marshal wasn't going to let her go, and Shayna fought him wildly. Once she even managed to get her arm free long enough to try to scratch his face, but he quickly captured her wrist in his hand again.
Frustrated, Shayna tried to shove him away from her. To her surprise, she actually managed to catch the Marshal off balance long enough to knock him back onto the bed. She didn't catch him that unaware, however, because instead of releasing her like she hoped he would do, he tightened his grip on her wrists and pulled her down with him.
Ending up sprawled across his lap, Shayna was so stunned for a moment that she didn't even realize the Marshal had let go of her arms sometime during their fall onto the bed. As soon as she did, though, she immediately tried to push herself upright, but a strong hand on her back pushed her down again. She started struggling as hard as she could, anything to keep him from grabbing her arms again. She knew the moment he did, she would end up in handcuffs.
But Shayna was surprised when the Marshal didn't even try to jerk her arms behind her back so that he could handcuff her. She thought for a moment that she might actually have a chance to get away, only to gasp in surprise when she felt his free hand come down hard on her jean-clad bottom. She stilled, her eyes going wide. Had he actually just spanked her? What the hell did he think he was doing?
Before she could say anything though, he brought his hand down again on her other cheek, harder this time, and she yelped.
Her face flaming from embarrassment and anger, Shayna tried to push herself off his lap again, to no avail. "Let me up, you jerk!" she demanded.
The Marshal gave her ass another hard smack. "Not until you agree to behave yourself," he growled.
Shayna cried out as his hand connected with her bottom yet again. "Owwwww! You have no right to spank me!" she told him.
"If you had just come quietly like I told you to, then I wouldn't be forced to do this," he retorted, punctuating each word with a sharp slap to her derriere. "But you leave me no choice. Trust me; spanking you into submission is a lot better than the alternative."
Shayna didn't know what the alternative might be, but she had certainly never been spanked in her life, and she couldn't believe how much it stung! But every time his hand came down on her ass, it felt like her cheeks were going to catch on fire.
"Now, if I let you up, are you going to behave yourself?" he asked, pausing momentarily.
Shayna gritted her teeth. Damn the man! "Yes!" she hissed. "Just let me up already!"
Taking Shayna's arm, he set her back on her feet. Though she really wanted to slap his handsome face, she settled for rubbing her sore bottom instead, only to stop when she realized that the Marshal was reaching for his handcuffs.
Book Three - The Cutler Brides
Flipping through the fashion magazine she'd brought with her, Riley stopped when she came to an advertisement for a pair of sexy, high-heeled sandals. "Aren't these cute?" she said, holding the magazine at an angle so that Cade could see, too. "Wouldn't they look great on me?"
Her husband looked up from his outdoor magazine to glance at hers. Upon seeing the shoes however, he lifted a brow. "I'm sure they would, but I don't think you need any more shoes, do you, honey?"
Riley looked up at him from beneath lowered lashes. Though even she had to admit she had more pairs than the average woman, shoes were definitely her weakness and she couldn't resist buying the newest style in footwear when it came out. "Well, actually, I do," she said. "It completely slipped my mind until now, but we were in such a rush to leave that I think I forgot to pack the shoes I was going to wear to your parents' anniversary party."
Cade gave her a dubious look. "Did you really forget or did you deliberately decide not bring them just so you could buy new ones?"
A blush crept into her cheeks. She had made a conscious decision not to pack them, of course, but only because they really didn't go with her dress.
"Of course I forgot!"
Riley tried to sound as truthful as she could, but Cade saw right through her lie. She used to be a really good liar back when she was in the Witness Protection Program, but for some reason, she couldn't ever seem to lie convincingly to her husband.
"That's what I thought." Cade let out a loud, dramatic sigh. "Well, you know what this means, don't you?"
"What?" she asked innocently.
His mouth quirked. "It means you'll be going over my knee for a good, sound spanking when we get to the ranch, sweetheart."
Her pulse still skipped a beat at hearing her husband say the words. It was amazing how much her attitude toward spanking had changed over the past year, she thought. When Cade had put her over his knee to give her a spanking that first time at her apartment, she had put up a terrible fuss, kicking and squealing for all she was worth. Actually, she had made a fuss the first half dozen times he had spanked her. After they'd gotten engaged, however, something had happened to change all that and she'd started looking forward to getting spanked. But knowing she could never come right out and tell her fiancé that, she'd started to do little things to get him to spank her. Perceptive as he was, Cade had quickly figured it out. So now whenever she wanted a spanking, all she had to do was just act a little naughty. Almost anything would do, like buying yet another pair of shoes. It wasn't that Cade really cared whether she bought a new pair; it was just simply a signal to him that she wanted to get spanked.
"Don't you think your parents might notice if you dragged me off to the bedroom the minute we got to their ranch?" she pointed out.
Cade frowned slightly as he considered that. "You're probably right," he agreed after a moment. "I guess I'd better spank you now then."
She gasped. "Now? Are you crazy? On the plane?"
But her husband had already taken her hand and was pulling her to her feet.
"Honey..." she began, but the words trailed off as he led her toward the back of the plane.
Since it was an evening flight, the interior of the cabin was dimly lit, something a blushing Riley was grateful for as they made their way to the restroom. She needn't have worried, though, because none of the other passengers were paying any attention to them.
While Riley couldn't deny that the thought of her gorgeous, dark-haired husband spanking her thirty-thousand feet in the air was rather thrilling, it also made her a little nervous, and she stopped outside the door to the restroom to voice her concerns to Cade .
"Honey, we can't," she protested. "Someone could hear."
His mouth quirked. "Then we'll have to make sure we're quiet."
As Cade opened the door and urged her inside, Riley could only wonder what had gotten into her husband. He was always up for adventure, especially when it came to sex, but they'd never done anything this daring. Not that she was complaining really. The whole thing was a major turn-on!
The small bathroom seemed even tinier with her tall, broad-shouldered husband in it with her, but Riley found herself forgetting all about her dislike of tight spaces when Cade ordered her to turn around and put her hands on the wall in that soft, sexy voice of his. Eager for her spanking, Riley obediently placed her palms on the wall, bending over just enough to thrust out her bottom.
Instead of placing his hand on her back like he usually did when she was draped over his knee, though, Cade wrapped his arm around her middle. Holding her close against him, he ran his other hand over her short skirt.
"If we were home, I'd give you a warm-up over your skirt," he said in her ear. "But in the interest of time, I think it'd be best if I just get straight to the main event."
* * * *
"There's a rest area coming up. Want to stop and take a break?" Madoc asked.
Shayna pulled herself away from her thoughts to glance at her husband. "Sure."
After using the facilities, she and Madoc still didn't feel like getting back in the SUV right away, so they walked up to the small picnic area situated on a grassy hill just behind the main buildings. When they got to the top, Shayna was surprised by how far she could see. Even though the hill wasnt very high, it still towered above most of the nearby Texas countryside, and the view was beautiful. Slow, rolling hills, covered in waving grass, spread out as far as the eye could see. Here and there, a cow or an oil well dotted the landscape, but mostly it was uninterrupted and pristine. She wished they had thought to grab a bite to eat and bring it up here. It would have been nice to sit and have lunch at one of the small tables while they enjoyed the view.
She turned to give Madoc a smile. He was sitting down on the bench-style seat, his arms lazily outstretched to either side of him on the picnic table. "It's beautiful, isn't it, hon?"
His golden brown eyes traveled up and down the length of her body to take in the tank top and shorts she wore, lingering on her bare legs.
"Not as beautiful as you," he said, his mouth curving into a sexy grin.
Shayna felt herself blush at her husband's compliment. She'd never blushed so much until she'd met Madoc. He just had a way of looking at her that made her think he was always visualizing her completely naked.
Reaching for her hand, he gently pulled her closer until she was standing between his legs. As his arms circled her waist, Shayna automatically looped hers around his neck. With a little laugh, she bent her head to kiss him on the mouth. The kiss wasnt some quick peck on the lips, but instead, it was slow and passionate, leaving Shayna breathless. When she lifted her head, she couldnt suppress the sigh of pleasure that escaped her lips.
"Too bad we're not someplace a little more private," she said huskily.
Madoc made a show of looking around the deserted rest area before lifting his gaze to hers again. "I don't know. It seems pretty private to me."
Her eyes widened. "You can't be serious?"
"Why not?" He slid his hands up to cup her breasts through the thin tank top.
Shayna caught her breath as she felt her nipples immediately harden in response. It had always been a secret fantasy of hers to make love outdoors, but she didnt think she could ever be bold enough to act it out.
"Madoc..." she began.
But her husband was already unbuttoning her khaki shorts and pushing them down her legs. As he gently ran his hands up her bare legs, Shayna felt the last of her resolve disappear, along with her shyness. Surely, they could have a quickie without getting caught, she told herself.
Shayna waited breathlessly for Madoc to take down her panties, but instead he surprised her by taking her hand and guiding her over one of his muscular legs. Though she went willingly, she couldn't help but give him a confused look over her shoulder.
"I thought we were going to booty," she said.
The corner of his mouth edged up. "We are," he said, lightly resting his hand on the curve of her bottom. "But since I don't know how much spanking we'll be able to do while were at my parents' ranch, I thought I'd give you one now to tide you over until we get home."
Shayna hadn't thought about that. But she supposed Madoc was right. They wouldn't have much privacy at the ranch. Which would mean she would have to wait two weeks for another spanking.
She gave her dark-haired husband a naughty smile. "Well, when you put it that way, I definitely think you're right. I do think you should give me a spanking."
So, what'd you think of those excerpts? It's okay if you have to go fan yourself before commenting! LOL!
If you'd like to buy The Cutler Brothers Series , click on the link below!
Buy it in Print!
And for info on my other books, as well as some more hot excerpts, stop by my newly designed website at www.paigetylertheauthor.com
Hope you had as much fun reading about The Cutler Brothers, as I had writing about them!
Thanks again, Wendi!
"Stories so hot, they'll make your cheeks blush!"
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Paige Tyler and I write romantic spanking stories and erotic romance! Yup, you read that right, romantic spanking stories! LOL!
I write contemporary, sci-fi, western, historicals, paranormal, and even time-travel! But, regardless of the theme of my books, they all revolve around a fun, playful, romantic relationship. I just slip a little spanking in now and then to spice things up a bit!
I thought I would take the time to tell you all a little bit about one of my newest releases, The Cutler Brother Series . It's a three book set that revolves around two brothers who are US Marshals, and the feisty women that they fall in love with.
Cade and Madoc grew up on a ranch in Texas, and are both the personification of the modern cowboy. They're rough and tough and don't take crap from anybody! Of course, the reader gets to see their softer side when the brothers fall for two women who are just as tough and independent as they are.
The first book focuses on Cade 's story. He's a hunky US Marshal up in Seattle who has to protect a girl in the Witness Protection Program when her identity is compromised. Of course, she's not really very good a taking orders, even when it's for her own good! As you can imagine, that gets her into trouble with Cade and she finds her bottom warmed on more than one occasion!
The second book is about Cade 's brother, the equally hunky Madoc, a US Marshal out in Denver who comes across a beautiful escaped fugitive and has to decide whether he's going to take her in. He wants to do his duty, but she's just so dang sexy. Things get a little complicated, and yup, you quessed it, Shayna gets her bottom warmed, too!
When I first wrote the series, I had originally planned on it being two books, but the heroines seemed to think that since the heroes Cade and Madoc had books named after them that the girls should also have a book that featured them more prominently. So that led to the third book, The Cutler Brides! Their book takes both couples on an adventure down on the Cutler family ranch in Texas. In between learning everything they ever wanted to know about life on a ranch, the girls still find time to get themselves into trouble. Of course, the guys still know how to straighten them out!
I thoroughly enjoyed writing each and every book in the series, and I'm thrilled to announce that all three books are now available in one print volume with a smokin' hot cover! I've included a synopsis from each of the books, as well as some sexy exceprts! Hope you enjoy them!

The Cutler Brothers Series
Three hot novels in one print volume!
Book One - Cade
The beautiful, but irritating Riley Barnett has been a thorn in the side of the U.S. Marshals Service ever since she entered the Witness Protection Program. And now that she once again believes her identity has been compromised, new U.S. Marshal Cade Cutler is the one sent to placate her. When it turns out that she's right this time, Riley has to depend on Cade to protect her, even if that means putting up with his spankings every time she refuses to follow his silly rules!
Book Two - Madoc
After attending his brother's wedding, U.S. Marshal Madoc Cutler knows one thing for sure - there is absolutely no way he would ever fall for a woman as quickly as his brother did. But he can certainly appreciate an attractive woman, and when he comes across a beautiful waitress at a small-town diner, he can't help but notice her. However, things become complicated when he recognizes her as the runaway fugitive, Shayna Matthews. His plan to quickly transport her back to Denver to stand trial goes awry when a snowstorm forces them to take shelter in tiny, secluded cabin in the woods. Could he possibly have been wrong about not falling for a woman as quickly as his brother did?
Book Three - The Cutler Brides
In the third book of the series, both Cade and Madoc are back, as well as their naughty brides, Riley and Shayna. While down in Texas for a family get-together, the two girls decide to go searching for a buried treasure described in local folklore. Unfortunately, they don't have a lot of luck finding the treasure, but they do find a mystery that needs solving. They begin poking around a suspicious mining company. Even though this gets Riley and Shayna repeated spankings from their husbands, the girls refuse to give up. They're going to find out whats going on, no matter what!
Book One - Cade
Cade closed his notebook and slipped it into the inside pocket of his suit jacket. "We'll look into it, Ms. Barnett, and get back to you," he said, getting to his feet.
Riley did the same, her frown deepening. "How are you going to look into it? Will you be posting Marshals outside my apartment building then?" She really hoped so; she hadn't slept well the past couple of nights.
He inclined his head. "If we determine that you're in danger, then you'll be given protection," he told her. "But I don't think you have anything to be concerned about. As I said, a lot of people own black SUV's."
Riley stared at him in disbelief. Did she have to end up at the bottom of some river somewhere before they believed her? She opened her mouth to argue, but Cade Cutler was already walking toward the door.
Annoyed, she followed after him. "How will you know if there really is a threat from the SUV if there's no one here to see it?" she persisted.
In the small entryway, he turned to give her a placating smile. "Like I said, we'll look into it."
She folded her arms to glare at him. "You're not going to do a damn thing, are you?" she said sharply. "Now that you people have already gotten my testimony, you couldnt care less about what happens to me."
His jaw tightened. "I'll be in touch," he said, ignoring what she'd just said as he turned to leave. He was just reaching for the doorknob when the greeting cards on the table along the wall caught his eye.
Riley watched in confusion as he picked one up and read it, and then did the same to another and another. But before she could ask what he was doing, he turned to fix her with a hard look.
"What the hell are these?" he demanded, holding up the cards.
Her brow furrowed. "Birthday cards," she said, her tone implying that it should have been obvious to him.
"I can see that!" he growled. "But this one's from your mother! And these," he added, gesturing with the others, "are from the rest of your family!"
She shrugged. "Duh! Who do you think sends birthday cards?"
His eyes narrowing, Cade tossed the stack of birthday cards back onto the table and strode toward her. "How about, duh, you're in the Witness Protection Program! Which means that you're not supposed to tell anyone where you are. That includes your family! You're so worried about your identity being compromised, and here you are broadcasting it to the world!"
Ignoring the implied insult, Riley lifted her chin to glare up at him. "My mother would never tell anyone where I am," she told him coldly. "And neither would any of my sisters."
His brows drew together. "Really? How reassuring," he scoffed. "What about the people that might be snooping through your family's mail to find out where you are? Have you thought about that?"
She frowned at the words, wondering if that could be true, but then told herself it was ridiculous. Nobody, not even Albert Donatti, the main mobster she had testified against, would bother with digging through the mail just to find her. Besides, even if he had, her family had addressed the envelopes to her new name.
Riley gave Cade another shrug. "That would be impossible because my mom and my sisters didn't put my real name on the envelope," she said. "I'm not stupid, you know!"
"That's debatable," he retorted. "So, how many relatives does your family have that live across the country?"
She gave him a confused look. "What are you talking about?"
He held up the card from her mother. "It doesn't matter what the name on the envelope says," he told her. "The card says Happy Birthday to My Daughter on the front. I think people will figure out that it's you."
Before she could say anything, he added, "I'm going to have to call my boss and let him know about this."
"Good," she muttered. "Because I want to talk to him, too. That way I can tell him that you don't know what the hell you're doing, and that he needs to send someone out here who does!"
At her words, Cade paused in the act of reaching into his pocket for his cell phone, his eyes narrowing. "Okay, that does it!" he growled.
Riley braced herself for another one of his snide comments, and was totally surprised when Cade grabbed her by the arm and marched her over to the couch instead.
"What are you...?" she began as he sat down, but the rest of what she'd been going to say came out in a rush of air as he gave her arm a quick tug that sent her tumbling headlong over his knee.
Riley was so stunned that she simply lay there draped over his lap as she tried to catch her breath. When she finally came to her senses a moment later, it was to push herself upright, but a strong hand on her back held her down. What the hell was he doing?
Outraged, she turned to glare over her shoulder at him, only to let out a startled gasp when she felt his hand come down hard on her jean-clad bottom. Oh my God, the brute was spanking her!
Book Two - Madoc
Shayna's hands trembled as she hurriedly shoved what little clothing she had into the small overnight bag shed brought with her when she'd left Denver. Of all the men in the diner she could have flirted with, she had to pick a U.S. Marshal!
Tall and broad-shouldered, not to mention ruggedly handsome, she had noticed the Marshal the moment he'd walked into the diner, and had been disappointed when he had chosen a booth instead of taking a seat at the counter. So when Madge, the other waitress she worked with, had suggested she serve lunch to him, she had not only jumped at the chance, but had openly flirted with him. She'd figured that he was probably only passing through town, but had toyed with the idea of trying to convince him to hang around for awhile. Little did she know that he was there to arrest her, she thought bitterly. And if Madge hadnt learned that he was a U.S. Marshal from her conversation with him earlier, then Shayna would still be at the diner obliviously going on about her business.
God, she had been so stupid! Stupid to stay in Flint Rock for so long instead of going to Canada like she had planned. Stupid to think that a pair of ugly, non-prescription, black-framed glasses would be enough of a disguise to alter her appearance. Stupid not to dye her hair like her sister had suggested.
Still silently berating herself for her stupidity, Shayna grabbed her coat from the bed and put it on. If she hurried, maybe she could catch one of the truckers down at the gas station near the freeway and bum a ride with him. Anyone heading north would be fine with her.
She picked up her suitcase from the bed, and was just about to cross the small room she rented at the boarding house when there came a loud banging on the door.
"Federal Marshal!" a man's voice called. "Open up!"
Shayna froze, her hand tightening reflexively on the handle of her overnight bag as she stared at the door. Oh God, he'd found her, she thought. She couldn't go back to jail! She had to get out of there!
The Marshal banged on the door, louder this time. Heart pounding, Shayna looked around wildly for some other escape route. Her gaze immediately locked on the window on the other side of the small room. Not having to think twice, she dashed over to it. Instead of opening easily like it should have, however, the window didn't budge. Dammit, the darn thing was stuck!
Tears of frustration welling in her eyes, Shayna dropped her bag on the floor and tried to force the window open, but it did no good. The stupid thing probably hadn't been opened in ten years! Spotting a heavy bookend sitting on the low shelf beside the window, she grabbed it and was just about to use it to break the glass when the door burst open.
Still holding onto the bookend, Shayna whirled around with a startled gasp to see the handsome Marshal from the diner standing in the doorway, his weapon drawn and pointed at her.
"Shayna Matthews, you're under arrest," he told her. "Drop that and put your hands up."
Shayna knew she should obey, especially since the Marshal had a gun pointed at her, but she couldn't make herself do it. "You've got the wrong person. My name is Jane," she said, her voice trembling. "Jane Cooper."
His golden-brown eyes went to the bag sitting on the floor beside her. "Nice try," he said sarcastically. "Now, drop what you're holding and put your hands up."
She swallowed hard, but still didn't do as he told her. "You've got the wrong person," she insisted.
The Marshal clenched his jaw. "I'm not going to tell you again," he warned her. "Drop what you're holding and get your hands in the air."
Shayna didn't move. She couldn't let him arrest her. Running had only made her look more guilty, and if she went back to jail, they weren't likely to let her out on bail this time. The thought alone was enough to make her stomach churn.
Her gaze darted to the door and she wondered if she could somehow get past the Marshal. Apparently, he must have read her mind because he started toward her even as she tensed to make a run for it. Shaynas hand tightened on the bookend and before she even realized what she was doing, she drew back her arm and threw it at him.
Shayna just had enough time to see the Marshal's eyes go wide before he ducked. Knowing she would only get one chance at escape, she immediately ran for the door. But she didn't get more than a few feet before a strong hand closed over her arm and spun her around. With a cry that was half frustration, half rage, Shayna balled her hand into a fist and took a swing at the Marshal.
"What the...?!" he began, catching her arm before her fist could connect. "Dammit, take it easy!"
But Shayna wasn't about to take it easy. If she didn't get away from him, she was going to be spending a very long time in prison, maybe even the rest of her life. With that horrific thought motivating her, Shayna savagely tried to jerk free of the Marshal's hold.
"Stop it!" he ordered her, his grip tightening on her arms. "Dammit, I don't want to hurt you!"
"Then let me go!" she shot back, still struggling against him.
But it was obvious that the Marshal wasn't going to let her go, and Shayna fought him wildly. Once she even managed to get her arm free long enough to try to scratch his face, but he quickly captured her wrist in his hand again.
Frustrated, Shayna tried to shove him away from her. To her surprise, she actually managed to catch the Marshal off balance long enough to knock him back onto the bed. She didn't catch him that unaware, however, because instead of releasing her like she hoped he would do, he tightened his grip on her wrists and pulled her down with him.
Ending up sprawled across his lap, Shayna was so stunned for a moment that she didn't even realize the Marshal had let go of her arms sometime during their fall onto the bed. As soon as she did, though, she immediately tried to push herself upright, but a strong hand on her back pushed her down again. She started struggling as hard as she could, anything to keep him from grabbing her arms again. She knew the moment he did, she would end up in handcuffs.
But Shayna was surprised when the Marshal didn't even try to jerk her arms behind her back so that he could handcuff her. She thought for a moment that she might actually have a chance to get away, only to gasp in surprise when she felt his free hand come down hard on her jean-clad bottom. She stilled, her eyes going wide. Had he actually just spanked her? What the hell did he think he was doing?
Before she could say anything though, he brought his hand down again on her other cheek, harder this time, and she yelped.
Her face flaming from embarrassment and anger, Shayna tried to push herself off his lap again, to no avail. "Let me up, you jerk!" she demanded.
The Marshal gave her ass another hard smack. "Not until you agree to behave yourself," he growled.
Shayna cried out as his hand connected with her bottom yet again. "Owwwww! You have no right to spank me!" she told him.
"If you had just come quietly like I told you to, then I wouldn't be forced to do this," he retorted, punctuating each word with a sharp slap to her derriere. "But you leave me no choice. Trust me; spanking you into submission is a lot better than the alternative."
Shayna didn't know what the alternative might be, but she had certainly never been spanked in her life, and she couldn't believe how much it stung! But every time his hand came down on her ass, it felt like her cheeks were going to catch on fire.
"Now, if I let you up, are you going to behave yourself?" he asked, pausing momentarily.
Shayna gritted her teeth. Damn the man! "Yes!" she hissed. "Just let me up already!"
Taking Shayna's arm, he set her back on her feet. Though she really wanted to slap his handsome face, she settled for rubbing her sore bottom instead, only to stop when she realized that the Marshal was reaching for his handcuffs.
Book Three - The Cutler Brides
Flipping through the fashion magazine she'd brought with her, Riley stopped when she came to an advertisement for a pair of sexy, high-heeled sandals. "Aren't these cute?" she said, holding the magazine at an angle so that Cade could see, too. "Wouldn't they look great on me?"
Her husband looked up from his outdoor magazine to glance at hers. Upon seeing the shoes however, he lifted a brow. "I'm sure they would, but I don't think you need any more shoes, do you, honey?"
Riley looked up at him from beneath lowered lashes. Though even she had to admit she had more pairs than the average woman, shoes were definitely her weakness and she couldn't resist buying the newest style in footwear when it came out. "Well, actually, I do," she said. "It completely slipped my mind until now, but we were in such a rush to leave that I think I forgot to pack the shoes I was going to wear to your parents' anniversary party."
Cade gave her a dubious look. "Did you really forget or did you deliberately decide not bring them just so you could buy new ones?"
A blush crept into her cheeks. She had made a conscious decision not to pack them, of course, but only because they really didn't go with her dress.
"Of course I forgot!"
Riley tried to sound as truthful as she could, but Cade saw right through her lie. She used to be a really good liar back when she was in the Witness Protection Program, but for some reason, she couldn't ever seem to lie convincingly to her husband.
"That's what I thought." Cade let out a loud, dramatic sigh. "Well, you know what this means, don't you?"
"What?" she asked innocently.
His mouth quirked. "It means you'll be going over my knee for a good, sound spanking when we get to the ranch, sweetheart."
Her pulse still skipped a beat at hearing her husband say the words. It was amazing how much her attitude toward spanking had changed over the past year, she thought. When Cade had put her over his knee to give her a spanking that first time at her apartment, she had put up a terrible fuss, kicking and squealing for all she was worth. Actually, she had made a fuss the first half dozen times he had spanked her. After they'd gotten engaged, however, something had happened to change all that and she'd started looking forward to getting spanked. But knowing she could never come right out and tell her fiancé that, she'd started to do little things to get him to spank her. Perceptive as he was, Cade had quickly figured it out. So now whenever she wanted a spanking, all she had to do was just act a little naughty. Almost anything would do, like buying yet another pair of shoes. It wasn't that Cade really cared whether she bought a new pair; it was just simply a signal to him that she wanted to get spanked.
"Don't you think your parents might notice if you dragged me off to the bedroom the minute we got to their ranch?" she pointed out.
Cade frowned slightly as he considered that. "You're probably right," he agreed after a moment. "I guess I'd better spank you now then."
She gasped. "Now? Are you crazy? On the plane?"
But her husband had already taken her hand and was pulling her to her feet.
"Honey..." she began, but the words trailed off as he led her toward the back of the plane.
Since it was an evening flight, the interior of the cabin was dimly lit, something a blushing Riley was grateful for as they made their way to the restroom. She needn't have worried, though, because none of the other passengers were paying any attention to them.
While Riley couldn't deny that the thought of her gorgeous, dark-haired husband spanking her thirty-thousand feet in the air was rather thrilling, it also made her a little nervous, and she stopped outside the door to the restroom to voice her concerns to Cade .
"Honey, we can't," she protested. "Someone could hear."
His mouth quirked. "Then we'll have to make sure we're quiet."
As Cade opened the door and urged her inside, Riley could only wonder what had gotten into her husband. He was always up for adventure, especially when it came to sex, but they'd never done anything this daring. Not that she was complaining really. The whole thing was a major turn-on!
The small bathroom seemed even tinier with her tall, broad-shouldered husband in it with her, but Riley found herself forgetting all about her dislike of tight spaces when Cade ordered her to turn around and put her hands on the wall in that soft, sexy voice of his. Eager for her spanking, Riley obediently placed her palms on the wall, bending over just enough to thrust out her bottom.
Instead of placing his hand on her back like he usually did when she was draped over his knee, though, Cade wrapped his arm around her middle. Holding her close against him, he ran his other hand over her short skirt.
"If we were home, I'd give you a warm-up over your skirt," he said in her ear. "But in the interest of time, I think it'd be best if I just get straight to the main event."
* * * *
"There's a rest area coming up. Want to stop and take a break?" Madoc asked.
Shayna pulled herself away from her thoughts to glance at her husband. "Sure."
After using the facilities, she and Madoc still didn't feel like getting back in the SUV right away, so they walked up to the small picnic area situated on a grassy hill just behind the main buildings. When they got to the top, Shayna was surprised by how far she could see. Even though the hill wasnt very high, it still towered above most of the nearby Texas countryside, and the view was beautiful. Slow, rolling hills, covered in waving grass, spread out as far as the eye could see. Here and there, a cow or an oil well dotted the landscape, but mostly it was uninterrupted and pristine. She wished they had thought to grab a bite to eat and bring it up here. It would have been nice to sit and have lunch at one of the small tables while they enjoyed the view.
She turned to give Madoc a smile. He was sitting down on the bench-style seat, his arms lazily outstretched to either side of him on the picnic table. "It's beautiful, isn't it, hon?"
His golden brown eyes traveled up and down the length of her body to take in the tank top and shorts she wore, lingering on her bare legs.
"Not as beautiful as you," he said, his mouth curving into a sexy grin.
Shayna felt herself blush at her husband's compliment. She'd never blushed so much until she'd met Madoc. He just had a way of looking at her that made her think he was always visualizing her completely naked.
Reaching for her hand, he gently pulled her closer until she was standing between his legs. As his arms circled her waist, Shayna automatically looped hers around his neck. With a little laugh, she bent her head to kiss him on the mouth. The kiss wasnt some quick peck on the lips, but instead, it was slow and passionate, leaving Shayna breathless. When she lifted her head, she couldnt suppress the sigh of pleasure that escaped her lips.
"Too bad we're not someplace a little more private," she said huskily.
Madoc made a show of looking around the deserted rest area before lifting his gaze to hers again. "I don't know. It seems pretty private to me."
Her eyes widened. "You can't be serious?"
"Why not?" He slid his hands up to cup her breasts through the thin tank top.
Shayna caught her breath as she felt her nipples immediately harden in response. It had always been a secret fantasy of hers to make love outdoors, but she didnt think she could ever be bold enough to act it out.
"Madoc..." she began.
But her husband was already unbuttoning her khaki shorts and pushing them down her legs. As he gently ran his hands up her bare legs, Shayna felt the last of her resolve disappear, along with her shyness. Surely, they could have a quickie without getting caught, she told herself.
Shayna waited breathlessly for Madoc to take down her panties, but instead he surprised her by taking her hand and guiding her over one of his muscular legs. Though she went willingly, she couldn't help but give him a confused look over her shoulder.
"I thought we were going to booty," she said.
The corner of his mouth edged up. "We are," he said, lightly resting his hand on the curve of her bottom. "But since I don't know how much spanking we'll be able to do while were at my parents' ranch, I thought I'd give you one now to tide you over until we get home."
Shayna hadn't thought about that. But she supposed Madoc was right. They wouldn't have much privacy at the ranch. Which would mean she would have to wait two weeks for another spanking.
She gave her dark-haired husband a naughty smile. "Well, when you put it that way, I definitely think you're right. I do think you should give me a spanking."
So, what'd you think of those excerpts? It's okay if you have to go fan yourself before commenting! LOL!
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Hope you had as much fun reading about The Cutler Brothers, as I had writing about them!
Thanks again, Wendi!
"Stories so hot, they'll make your cheeks blush!"
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