Economic times have definitely been better, so I've been inspired to give a SHOUT OUT this morning to great things that don't cost much money. While I've been here at my desk Sparky, the little wiener dog, has been having the time of his life playing with a plastic water bottle that he begged from me yesterday afternoon. Nevermind all the little dog toys he's got scattered around my office. He wants the plastic bottle. It's like with kids and the cardboard box their giant toys come in. Proving once again, happiness doesn't necessarily have a price tag.
What's your favorite thing in the world that doesn't cost anything - or much of anything. And don't say family or love...those are givens. I mean what cheap-o object adds joy or makes your life easier?
Tough question, isn't it? I'm having a hard time coming up with an answer myself. The first thing that comes to mind is my tea maker. I love my cup-at-a-time tea maker (Black & Decker). I think it was $20 when I bought it 15 years ago. I use it every day and take it with me when I travel. My biggest travel fear is that I'll forget it when I pack to come home. If you've ever seen me before I've had my morning caffeine you would realize the true value of this little appliance.

Wendi, I love colored pencils. For a couple of dollars you can have hours of fun; making fake book covers, colorizing notepads, or having fun with the grandson.
Colored pencils are Fun! You know what else I still love? Those scented markers. I love doing art projects with my son and using those. I feel like I'm in kindergarten again. :)
Wendi Darlin
I have this wonderful purple pen. It's a super cheap brand that comes in packs of ten (with red, orange, green, and purple), but it writes so smoothly it's like I spent a lot on it. I hate grading papers for the evil day job in red, so I'm always using my purple pens.
Another cheap thing I love is a good book. Nothing else provides me so much amusement for so little money. :)
Amen on the books, Cassandra! You're right, a good book is more bang for the buck than anything I know. And the purple pens I can totally relate to. Isn't it funny what we love? :)
Thanks for dropping in. :)
Wendi Darlin
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