Eight years before today was a day of remembrance for lives lost in a gruesome attack on our country and way of life, I married my husband. We wed in a corny little wedding chapel in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with only a few friends there to witness our vows. We were young, naive and scared half to death.
When I think back on it now, I realize we married when we did and the way we did out of fear of losing one another. But we must have known what we were doing -- either that or we just got damn lucky.
We've been married fifteen years today. I still bonk myself on the head for not planning a nicer wedding and hiring a better photographer - and don't even get me started on that veil. But we're just as married as anyone else, and we've made a wonderful family together. I believe all of us sometimes know more than we think we do at the time. I definitely know I got this one right, just like I knew on our first date that I would marry him. Maybe that's why I write romance.
On this Remembrance Day I hope you all remember not only the lives lost on September 11, 2001, but also a moment that makes your heart happy - a time the stars lined up and your life changed for the better.
Wendi Darlin
Also check out The Water Bearer by Wendi Christner at BookStrand!

Love the photo...you are a Marine wife..I know this because so am I. LOL It's always nice when you meet another woman who you have something in common with.
I remeber my wedding day. We got married at the Justice of the peace..I think the day or days that I remember the most are the birth of my two sons..one 13 years ago and the other 8 years ago.
I will also always remember this day...such a tragic day.
Hi,Reba! It is nice to meet people you instantly have something in common with. My husband was in the Marines for about 12 years. He flew CH-46s (helicopter). I met him when he was still in flight school. :)
I was just telling a friend this morning how sad it makes me that my son will live almost his entire life in a post 9/11 world. Your sons will too. Such a terrible day in our history.
The day children are born is magical. There's just no other word for it. What precious memories those are. :)
Wendi Darlin
Wendi Darlin
Ahhhhh honey I looooove the veil. You two look perfect for each other. Kudos on 15 happy years and I'm wishing you both many more.
Thanks, Regina. :)
Wendi Darlin
Just wanted to say happy belated anniversary! Wishing you many more blissfully happy years ;) And thanks for sharing your beautiful photo!
Thank you, flchen1! You're so sweet. :)
Wendi Darlin
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