Here I am in San Francisco (Pretend you don't see the bra strap). The conference was great. I rode a trolley, shopped Chinatown, bought bags of Ghiradelli chocolate and ate some fabulous food. I even caught a glimpse of myself on the Today Show's coverage of the event. You can imagine the energy projected by a hotel full of romance writers, and when I got home I was drained. My family is taking one last vacation next week, and then it's back to school and back to the routine...which means back to regular blogging, eye candy and contests around here. :)
I'm hoping my camera cooperates next week, and I can post better pictures than I was able to take in SF. I think my camera's possessed. Seriously. But that's a whole other blog topic. We're headed up to the Carolinas this weekend. On the agenda is a carriage ride through Charleston, a mountain cabin in western north carolina, a tour of the Biltmore and some gem mining. I can't wait to see what kind of stories are inspired from this trip.
Here are my San Francisco roommates, Jami Davenport and Allie K. Adams who kept me out of trouble all week. They were a ton of fun...although I will be planning my revenge on Allie for that two block hike straight uphill while I was wearing high-heeled boots, and that wonderfully fragrant trolley ride. I'm pretty sure Jami will be thrilled to help me plot this revenge. :)
Whipped Cream Reviews gave Hired Hands a review so amazing it literally brought tears to my eyes. "Oh. My. This amazingly well-written, unbelievably hot story is one for the keeper shelf. Wendi Darlin has once again proven she's an erotic romance author who belongs on an auto-buy... Wendi Darlin writes the hottest, most emotional, well choreographed ménage scene I've read. And, I'll admit, I read this more than once before reviewing it. I imagine it's a story I'll return to again... If you like romance along with your sex, and really enjoy a good threesome, I can't recommend this story highly enough..." If you want to read the entire review, click here.
I hope you're all having a great summer, and I can't wait to get this blog hopping again! Thanks for stopping by.

Soooo glad you had fun, honey. Loooove the pics. New hair? It's awesome, Janet. snicker
I am so there on the Allie revenge. The woman is crazy!
I had a great time and am still recovering. Remember, ten years from now, we are meeting somewhere, of course, we can meet sooner, too, and I hope we do.
Love you guys, Jami
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