She has written thirteen other romance manuscripts, one of which is contracted with The Wild Rose Press. And you wouldn't believe her age if I told you. She's proof youth isn't wasted on us all.

Best of all, Amber's a Southern girl and she's here to spend the day with us!!! In addition to the sexy excerpt she's sharing, we'll be giving away a prize to one lucky winner. All you have to do is post a comment listing two things you love about Amber's home state of Alabama. At the end of the day, we'll draw the name of one lucky person who will receive a copy of Jenny Gardiner's American Title III winning novel, Sleeping with Ward Cleaver.
Yaaayyyy, wooo hoooo, go Amber!!!! The floor is yours, Mrs. Williams.

I'm so happy to be visiting everyone here at Hot Soutnern Lovin'. A very special thank you to Wendi Darlin for this exciting opportunity. I'm thrilled to share this exclusive excerpt from my debut novel, Fox & Hound. I hope y'all enjoy Todd (a southern boy) and Celestia as much as I do!
Now, let's get started...
Fox & Hound
In the world's most romantic city, fates collide in the most unexpected way and two of the world's most elusive jewel thieves are forever changed by a Louvre heist gone wrong.
After three years in prison, Todd goes after the woman who ruined his life, seeking revenge and the diamond she stole from him. He learns that Celestia doesn't have the diamond either. She was used by her partner, master thief Tito Bandero.
Todd and Celestia form an unlikely partnership to take back what is theirs and redeem themselves. Bandero is planning to steal three of the world's most coveted diamonds, but the ones he wronged—Fox and Hound—plot to take them first.
What Todd and Celestia don't count on? The power of attraction. When the quest grows dangerous, which will they choose: payback or each other?
Exclusive Excerpt:
“What’s that?” she asked, eyes warily on him as he moved toward the Jacuzzi.
“This is what I used to play in my car to make the girls put out in the backseat,” he explained.
“Hm.” She bristled when he shrugged off his jacket. “How many girls were willing to put out for you, Todd?”
He shrugged thoughtfully. “A dozen or so by graduation.”
She gave a short laugh. Her eyes widened when he pulled off his shirt. “What are you doing?”
He unsnapped his jeans. “I didn’t bring a bathing suit. I guess I’ll have to take a dip in my skippies.”
“Skippies?” she asked, trying to ignore the lump in her throat as he stepped into the water. “I didn’t invite you in.”
He slipped in to the waist and sighed as the hot water soaked into his chilled bones. “I’m crashing this party boat.”
“Are you trying to make me put out?” she asked as he moved across the Jacuzzi to her.
“You bet,” he said before his lips grazed hers.
She turned her head away, alarm bells triggering in her head. “I’m not in the mood for this.”
“Of course you are.” His teeth playfully nipped the point of her cheek. “Why else would you be waiting for me?”
“I wasn’t waiting for you,” she protested. “I lost track of time.” His hands slid over her hips. “Todd.”
He put a wet finger to her lips. “Don’t talk. Just feel the music, all right?”
She glared at him as he kissed the tip of her nose. “This is what you call music?”
“Just listen,” he coaxed, moving his lips to her ear before he trailed them down her neck.
She sighed, trying to think of something smart to say. But the sweet guitar notes drifted through her mind, chasing away thoughts and moving her heart. It was good music. It suited Todd’s obvious seductive mood. She tried to ignore the trills of sensations under his lips as his teeth grazed over her shoulder, but they suited the music, too.
When he looked at her again, she said, “I’m not some easily-seduced high school bimbo.”
He considered that. “The high school bimbo doesn’t fit you, I guess. But the easily-seduced part…”
She shoved at him playfully. He chuckled and caught her around her waist, bringing her against him and covering her lips with his.
Her determination not to be weak was swallowed with the heat of his mouth in mere, reckless seconds. She forgot everything she’d resolved the night before. His lips moved over hers and she responded, kissing him back with all the vehemence he demanded, with all the heat he took from her.
She surprised him every time. Whether she responded with surrender or fire, she always astonished him. He’d never liked surprises. Now he reconsidered his view, settling back onto the sunken bench behind him to let her take him over.
She was stunning. The flames that radiated between them grew, refusing to cool, heightening further and further. He ran his hands over her slick skin, into her wet tresses, eagerly receiving what she gave him without check. His heart did somersaults. She turned the tide so the heat pounded him again and again.
She was losing it. She was losing all her restraint. She was crossing the line she’d refused to let him cross. She was building the impossible bridge between them over the rubble. She couldn’t help it. His taste—she needed it. She needed the caress of his hands over her skin as well as the stroke of the fire kindling under his fingertips. She needed him with a biting desperation. She needed all there was of him. A rough groan scratched his throat when she pressed to him. Her arousal grew when she felt his.
The music was going into its final wave. He vaguely heard it over the rush in his ears. He opened his eyes. Her eyes were closed. The line of concentration dimpled between them but not from tension. It was from the passion she was showing him with the ever-building kiss. He fisted his hands in her hair and held on for dear life itself.
Title: Fox & Hound
Author: Amber Leigh Williams
Publisher: Red Rose Publishing
ISBN: 1-60435-039-3 (978-1-60435-039-5)
Genre: Mainstream Romantic Adventure
Length: Novel (81,511 words)
Price: $5.99
Alright, Amber, I'm jumping in first even though I can't win. :) There are many things I love about Alabama. Here's two of them:
1. The restaurants ALL serve sweet tea.
2. The Flora-Bama - where I've had plenty of sex on the beach but no sweet tea. :)
So, how does it feel to have your first book coming out. Are you getting the jitters, or is it just pure excitement?
Wendi Darlin
Only 2 things Wendi?
1.) I love in Dothan that there is a statue of a Peanut on every corner. The Hooters peanut is the funniest.
2.) The state flower the Camellia.
Amber, great excerpt! I'm looking forward to the release so I can get my hands on a copy. :) Best of luck with your debut novel and many more.
Oh, and I already have Jenny Gardner's Sleeping With Ward Cleaver, (good so far!!) so you don't have to enter my comment into the contest.
Let someone else win and enjoy the book, too.
Thanks, Wendi, for the sweet introduction! I can't possibly describe how thrilling it is to be so close to publication. I get the jitters about everything but most of it's excitment. I've been waiting my whole life for this moment.
I know I can't enter the contest either, but I'll list my two fav things about AL:
1. The Gulf Coast. I love the white-sand beaches and the Eastern Shore of the Mobile Bay. There's a very popular Arts and Craft Festival in my hometown on the ES, Fairhope every March. I love take show off my husband and dogs and run into old friends!!!
2. We have one of the biggest college football rivalries in the country: the Iron Bowl, Auburn vs. Alabama and I'm on the edge of my seat (when I'm lucky, the stadium seat at beautiful Jordan-Hare Stadium) when that exciting fall day rolls around.
I've never been to Dothan but I've seen pictures of the Peanuts. It's a good running joke around here. I love camellias, too!!!
Great to see you here! I'm so glad you liked the excerpt!
Hi Amber & Wendi! Great excerpt, Amber, but I, too, already own a copy of Sleeping With Ward Cleaver. Just wanted to stop by and show my support! Look forward to the release. :-)
Great excerpt, Amber!!! And aren't you just THRILLED about Thursday's release! This was a great excerpt, too, smokin hot and left me wanting more. Okay...I confess I've never been to Alabama, honey, but I love anything southern and we DO share the Gulf Coast since I'm a Texan. Best of luck on your release. HUGS!!!
Muy caliente Amber! Loved the excerpt. And Wendi, where do you find all of these fine men for your blog? Now I know where to stop in for eye candy ;-)
Thanks for offering up a copy of Sleeping with Ward Cleaver! I sure hope whoever wins it enjoys it! (and thanks you guys for having your copy of SWWC already!)
Love the excerpt, Amber. Ooh, sex in a hot tub - been there, done that. I plan on buying Ward anyway, but I could always use another copy to give away! I've never been to Alabama, so I'll have to wing it. Things I love about Alabama: my sister was born there in Selma and the song "Sweet Home Alabama." LOL
Those work, Carol!
Rita, we'll give you a pass and put you in the drawing anyway. :)
Jenny I have two words about the eye candy: scroll down. ;) There's lots of it to be found!
Shelley are any of those peanuts boiled???
Stacey & Liza - Thanks for stopping by, hope to have you both here soon for a day in the spotlight.
Wendi Darlin
Amber, congrats on your new release, I can't wait to read it.
things about alabama:
1. those boys with those southern accents. Yummy!!
2. My fave song, Sweet Home Alabama.
Never been to Alabama but things to love:
1. The word Alabama means tribal town in the Creek Indian language.
2. The star blue quartz is the state's official gemstone.
Loved the except from the book. Sounds great. Also got to love southern accents. :-)
Hi Amber, that was a great excerpt and I love your cover. I'm afraid I know nothing about Alabama, but i wanted to hop over here when Wendi told us about it. Good luck for Thursday. That first release is mind blowing.
Jill, there's definitely something to be said about those boys and their accents. :)
Irwirum, I didn't know Alabama was a Creek word. I owe my cheekbones and dark eyes to my Creek great-great grandmother. :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Wendi Darlin
Jane, you're a sweetheart! Thanks for dropping in.
Wendi Darlin
Flora-Bama....hmmm...takes me back to....
click photos
2005 Event Pictures
21st Annual Mullet Toss
Mick Graves' Photos
"pink bikini & kissing a mullet"
Anyone recognize that pink clad "kissing bandit"?
I may be officially off the Christmas list after releasing this information! Ha! I love you anyway mullet queen!
1. I love that Alabama is right next door to my state, which is the state of Georgia and home to many a sweet Georgia peach, such as myself.
2. Alabama is also home to the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail, which is gorgeous even though I don't play golf.
Good luck with your book Amber. I can't wait to read it.
Hi Amber and Wendi
Great blog site and greatm great blog. I'll be on the Red Rose web site tomorrow when your books hits the site, Amber. It sounds terrific. I love all those Southern men. Almost all of the ones I write about are from Texas and they sure know what loin's all about, don't they? Good luck with your book. It looks like a winner.
Anonymous you are DEFINITELY off the Christmas list and you're not getting a call for your birthday either! :)
Ddurance, they do grow 'em sweet in Georgia, don't they?
Judith, those Texas boys talk and walk just the right way!
Thanks for stopping by!
Wendi Darlin
The 2 things that I love about Alabama are:
1)I lived near Gulf Shores, AL and enjoyed going to the beaches there.
2)Cheered for your fellow Alabama man Taylor Hicks when he was on American Idol.
Good luck with your release Amber.
Great excerpt, Amber!
Okay... Two things I love about Alabama...
One thing is that Wendi apparently has had plenty of sex on the beach at The Flora-Bama! That's such a hoot!
And I love how close it is to the Gulf Coast. After another frozen Northern Winter, some Alabama sunshine sounds heavenly!
Congrats, Amber!
I'm still here, enjoying all the comments.
LOL, Carol E. The hot tub remains one of my fantasies. It never gets cold enough down here for them. But that's what the beach is for...
I have to admit I've never been to FloraBama. *collective gasp from the locals* I know, I know. I'm such a lightweight I don't think I could handle sex on the beach...
Judith, thanks for much for stopping by Red Rose for Thursday's release! Todd is a Texas boy himself. I hope he lives up to your expectations...I'm pretty confident he will :)
Chiron, I agree with you. Wendi at the FloraBama. That's definitely a picture worth having LOL
HAHA!!! There apparently is a real picture of Wendi at the Florabama. Did it turn into a prince or just croak at you?
Apparently after enough sex on the beach, even mullet look good enough to kiss. :0) Did I just incriminate myself further?
Wendi Darlin
Two things I love about Alabama being a southern girl myself is the Southern hospitality and hunky Southern accents, which reminds me of DA, Wendi. =P Mmmhmm!
Great excerpt and blurb, Amber. =) Congrats on your debut novel!
Thanks, Sarah! I hope we'll have some good news to share about DA soon. :)
Wendi Darlin
Hi Amber and Wendi,
Great blog, Wendi. Great excerpt Amber--really hot. Reminds me of when I was young. lol
Jen, I promise to get your book as soon as I make it to Barnes and Noble.
Sorry, I have never been to Alabama, but it sounds like a wonderful place. Especially, the sunny beaches.
Glad you liked the excerpt, Sandy! It's great to see you!
Thanks for everyone who stopped by! I've had a blast! I hope everyone enjoys FOX & HOUND!!!
Another thing to love:
Alabama was a proud member of the confederacy
the south will rise again. :-)
Two things I love about Alabama
1 It's home since that is where I live
2 Roll Tide!!!
Thanks again everyone for stopping by and helping me welcome Amber. Best of luck on your release, Amber.
TLNRWCS, I have to warn you them's fightin' words when Amber's in the house, she's an Auburn girl. :)
Myself, I'm a proud fightin' seahawk from UNC-Wilmington. Although I did a short stint at U. of South Alabama. :)
I'm posting the winner of Sleeping with Ward Cleaver, now.
Wendi Darlin
Oh, I missed all the action. That's what I get for living on the west coast and going out with the girls after work. You people are getting ready for bed, and our night is just beginning.
Great excerpt, Amber. Much luck with your new release.
Thanks Jami! Hope you enjoyed that night out!
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